
~Tike was a Lab/Mut mix.  He was my best friend growing up.  I like to think that I was his as well.~

If you are looking at this page you may be asking, “Who is this Tim guy?”

What you can find here:

What can you get out of this mess?

I hope that you find encouragement for the journey.

I hope that you learn about relationships and how to make yours better.

You see, life seems to be about relationships.

  • You and your friends
  • You and your spouse
  • You and your children
  • You and your work
  • You and your church
  • You and your God

You get the picture.

Oh, about me? Well, ok:

  • I’m a guy.
  • I’m a Christian.
  • I’m a Husband and Father.
  • I’m a USAF Chaplain.

Now, who are you?


“Hope is our weapon against the Darkness.”

4 thoughts on “About”

  1. Tim,

    I saw your repsonses to Danny Chisholm’s (I work with Danny at Univeristy Height Baptist in Springfield, MO) blog about the Open Letter to Cecil Sherman and noticed that you are at FBC, Lake Worth. In the 80’s, while at the “Seminary on the Hill” I wasminister of music at FBC, Lakeside. I loved my time there and still have contact with some of the kids (I still call them kids even though many are now in their 40’s) that sang in my youth choir. I guess you could call me one of those “old” guys that was there when it all came crashing down. I recall walking through the rotunda at SWBTS one day seeing Jimmy Draper and Russell Dilday in deep conversation. No doubt they were probably not agreeing about something to do wtih the SBC. I remember going to the SBC convention in Dallas when there were about 45,000 people in attendance and I was the only one from FBC Lakeside that did NOT vote in favor of the fundamentalist candidate. The whole affair make no sense to me and still doesn’t, but I’m no longer a member of an SBC church, so I try to move forward.

    Eldon Pritchard, whom I believe was pastor or interim pastor at Lake Worth was the interim pastor at FBC Lakeside in my final months there. He was one of the finest pastor which whom I’m had the pleasure to work.

    Best wishes on your pastorate in Lake Worth, it’s a great area.

    Marvin Murphree

  2. Marvin,

    Blessings upon you and your household! We’ve had a good relationship with FBC Lakeside since I’ve been here. If you are ever in this area, let me know and I’ll buy your lunch.


  3. Quick note about comments. I am impressed you are able to let people post comments that appear immediately without going through moderation. That’s exactly what I have been trying to achieve but without success. Maybe a WordPress.Com backend thing?

  4. WordPress has a spam blocker. It has done really well, over all. However, it doesn’t keep mean people from posting…or even family members. 🙂


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