Morning of Day#4 is in the books. Here’s the pic of what I did.


It doesn’t look like much. I did the HIIT routine on an elliptical. I stretched for a good 15 minutes afterwards, focusing on my left T-Band. Then, I did my Sit up and push up routine.

That consisted of three sets of unassisted sit ups and modified push ups.

Sit ups were pretty standard. So for my first set I did 12 sit ups, followed by 20 push ups. By modified, I mean I used a small 8lb medicine ball to make it harder. For the first 10 of my push ups, I had the ball under my right hand. For the second 10 push ups, I had the ball under my left hand. Basically, it makes that set harder for one side; and makes it difficult for the other side to assist.

Second set was 10 sit ups with 10/10 push ups.

Third set was 9 sit ups (muscle failure) with 10/5 push ups (to muscle failure again).

Let’s keep going! Perhaps you’re trying to reach a personal fitness goal? If so, let me know.
